I will participate to “La Nuit européenne des Chercheur.es”
I’ve been invited to participate to La Nuit européenne des Chercheur·e·s : No(s) futur(s) taking place at La cité de l’espace, Toulouse,…
Internship proposal: Stroke clustering for stylized animation automatic in-betweening
Location : Laboratoire IRIT, STORM research team, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse Advisor : David Vanderhaeghe, rf.ti1726758619ri@hd1726758619v1726758619, dlyr.fr, Amélie Fondevilla Funding :…
Writing CG articles
Here are some links on writing, that every new PhD student should read before their first submission 😉 How to Get Your…
CG conference calendar
Computer graphics conference, deadlines and timelines (rebuttal). We maintain this calendar whenever we submit a paper somewhere, but collaborative participation is welcomed,…
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