I will participate to “La Nuit européenne des Chercheur.es”
I’ve been invited to participate to La Nuit européenne des Chercheur·e·s : No(s) futur(s) taking place at La cité de l’espace, Toulouse,…
Touch type training resources
I learnt touch typing many years ago. After discussing with a friend, I recently switched to split ortho linear keybaord, the Keyboardio…
SIGGRAPH deadline
A SIGGRAPH deadline can be tough, here is my desk in “normal time” and “right after the deadline”
Blogs I follow
Here is a list of blog I follow on a regular basis (by rss syndication) Some are very active (several post a…
- Announcement (1)
- bash (8)
- Computer (2)
- Computer Graphics (8)
- gfx (1)
- LaTeX (4)
- Life (4)
- news (3)
- OpenGL (3)
- Programming (6)
- Proposal (jobs, internship, project) (4)
- Research (4)
- script (9)
- Uncategorized (14)
- Wordpress (1)
- writing (1)
acpi alsa animation anr-structures bash c++ change clang-format code communication computer graphics ecology gcc git imageMagick install internship job keyboard latex ld linux live macosx maxosx OpenGL podcast programming Radium-Engine rebase rendering shortcut sujet de stage teaching three.js touch typing ubuntu volume vulgarization web