TP Three.js
Sujet de TP LFLEX webgl/three.js de l’Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3
Sujet de bureau d’étude LFlex
L’objectif de ce bureau d’étude est d’améliorer la gestion des caméras virtuelles et du rendu volumique dans le moteur de rendu open…
Mojave post update
On a working Sierra for dev with clion, I needed to update some dev related stuff after mojave upgrade. Here are the…
Git: cleaning a branch before a PR, and merge back the clean history to the messy WIP branch
Sometimes, I have a branch with a new feature I work on, call it Feature_mess. At some point I want to show…
libGL.so compil problem
From time to time, on my ubuntu 11.10, i have link error like “undefined reference to glGetQueryObjectui64v”. This is because an unidentify…
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