Affiliation IRIT, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse INP, UT3 , Toulouse, France
2010 – present IRIT – Université de Toulouse.
Associate professor (Maitre de conférence). Teaching at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III.
I’m acting as the head of the STORM team, IRIT laboratory.
2008 – 2010 Postdoctoral Researcher at LaBRI –
INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest/University of Bordeaux I
in the Iparla team.
2005 – 2008 I obtained my Ph. D. in September 2008, this work was done in the
ARTIS team of the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann,
Grenoble Université and INRIA Rhône-Alpes. Under the supervision of Joëlle Thollot and François Sillion, I have worked on stylisation of animations and temporal coherence of point based primitives. I have also done a six month visit at LIGUM under the supervision of Victor Ostromoukhov.
- Best Paper Award, (3rd, jFIG 2021, first author Nicolas Barroso).
- Public award for the jFig 2020 ShaderToy contest
- CRCT (1 semester Sabbatical) 2019.
- PEDR, (premium of doctoral supervision and research, 2018-2022).
- Best Paper Award, (AFIG 2014, first author Thomas Subileau).
- PEDR, (premium of doctoral supervision and research, 2014-2017).
- Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention in Rendering (NPAR 2011).
- Best Paper Award (3rd, Eurographics 2011).
- Best Paper Award (AFIG 2006).
Open positions
I’m actively searching for candidates for CIMI call. For senior researcher, you can apply to the research fellow call, our team will be happy to take into consideration all applications.
I’m currently searching for candidates on the following topics :
- Painterly simulation for animation (2d)
- Line rendering of 3D models
- User control and edit of 3D rendering
See blog posts for internship proposals.
Feel free to contact me !
News and blog posts
- Comment le numérique se met au service des artistes
- Offre de stage développement web
- Podcast Comment le numérique se met au service des artistes ?
- Chercheur.e.s On Air
- I will participate to “La Nuit européenne des”
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Engineers: Adrien Nautré (2023-), Amaël Marquez (2023-)
Post-doc : Amélie Fondevilla (2020-2021), Nicolas Mellado (2017)
PhD Students advisor: Francois Desrichard (2018-2021)
PhD Students co-advisor: Thomas Subileau (2016), Nicolas Barroso (2020-2024)
PhD students collaborator: Hugo Rens (2018-2020), Dorian Gomez (2014), Frédéric Claux (2013), Marion Dunyach (2012).
Engineers: Nessim Dahmani (2023-2024), Gauthier Bouyjou (2020-2021), Clement Rodrigues-Viguier (2019-2020), Nicolas Kaminski (2018), Clementine Delambily (2018), Davuth Ia (2017), Jérémy Turbet (2015), Laurent Boiron (2016)
Undergraduate students : Martinelle Blandeye (M1 2024), Camille Bausson (M2 IAFA – 2024), Mathilde Rallier du Baty (Master cinéma d’animation – 2022), Julien Wattier (L3 – 2022), Valentin Despiau-Pujo (M1 IAFA – 2022), Marcos Flores (M1 IAFA – 2022), Laurent Thongkham (M2 supaero – 2021), Yann-Situ Gazull (ENS L3 – 2020), Inès Louahadj (L3 – 2020), Filippo A. Fanni (University of Cagliari – 2019), Kevin Licari (L3 – 2019), Francois Desrichard (Telecom Paris Tech – 2018), Paul Bernardi (Institut d’Optique Bordeaux – 2018), Baptise Delos (L3 – 2017), Lucas Escot (L3 ENS – 2017), Suzanne Sorli (L3 – 2017), Hugo Rens (L3 – 2016), Elise Perrotin (L3 ENS – 2015), Matthieu Bovery (M1 – 2013), Robin Alazard (L3 – 2013), Adrien Russo (M1 – 2012), Hugo Robert (M1 – 2008)
Research Topics
I am interested in computer graphics. I work on rendering (realtime and offline), expressive rendering and stylisation of animated scenes, user control … see publications for details.
Funded Projects
- Structures (JCJC ANR-19-CE38-0009-01)
- CaLiTrOp (ANR-16-CE33-0026)
- Fold-Dyn (ANR-16-CE33-0015)
- TTT industrial transfer
Past projects
- PRE-MATURATION Région Occitanie PSL
- LabEx CIMI – Analysis and Structuring of images color point-clouds geometry (2018-2019)
- PRE-MATURATION Région Occitanie PalEx (2018-2019)
- Ray portals, TTT industrial transfer (2015-2016)
- ATUPS (visiting collaboration for PhD student, with KIT, 2014),
- Animare (ANR JCJC 2009-2012),
- MIRO (ARC INRIA 2005-2006).
Other Activities
- Ecological transition IRIT working group (2020-)
- Paper Chair: Eurographics short paper (2022)
- Scientific Program Committee: Eurographics short paper (2014, 2015), Expressive (2016, 2017, 2018), WSCG (Reviewer board 2016, 2017, 2018)
- AFIG executive board (2012-2017)
- IRIT Lab concil (2015- )
- Co-organizer and co-head of the GT Rendu, from the GDR IG-RV (2012-2017)
- Associate editor REFIG (2012-2016)
- Afig best paper committee (2010-2014, 2017-2022)
- Member of the ACM SIGGRAPH, EG, SIF and AFIG associations.
- Reviewer for: Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, Eurographics, EGSR, Graphics Interface, Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics International, The Visual Computer, Computer and Graphics, Refig, TSI, NPAR 2007, Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena 2006.