Master internship : VR for artistic work visualization

We are looking for a highly motivated Master student for a research internship.

  • Keywords: realtime rendering, virtual reality, art work visualization
  • Advisor: David Vanderhaeghe, Toma Popovici
  • Location: Laboratoire IRIT, équipe VORTEX (Groupe AGGA), Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse
  • Duration: from February/March 2017, 5-7 months

The internship will take place in the IRIT laboratory, on the Université Paul Sabatier, campus of Toulouse.
The recruited intern will be a full member of the research team, integrated with other team members, PhD students and permanent researches. He/she will participate to working groups, scientific seminars and other activities of our group.


Public access to art and culture is a major issue in our society.
Many collections, paintings for example, travel around the world to be exhibited in the biggest museums.
However, certain artistic works are difficult to transport, in relation to their size, their installation or their fragility.

In our case study, the observers come even inside the art-piece, and because they can’t resist touching the paint, it is prone to premature wear.

Also, in order to allow the greatest number of people to benefit from the art works without incurring transport costs or risks to the integrity of the art work, we wish to develop a process of acquisition and visualization of art works in virtual reality.


The objective is to develop a 3D display system, with virtual reality device, allowing to reproduce the installation of Toma Popovici (see Fig. below), consisting of paintings for a total of 150 meters long and 1.5 meters height forming a labyrinth where the public goes through.

Three pictures of a test setup of the art piece.

The different steps envisaged are:

  • Acquisition and preparation of data, test on a sub-set
  • Creating a sample scene
  • 3D display and validation with the artist on rendering quality
  • Complete data acquisition
  • Creation of an ad-hoc 3D modeling tool
  • VR display and validation with the artist

Student profile

  • Master student in Computer Science or Applied Mathematics
  • Strong programming skills (C++), GPU programming (OpenGL)
  • Basic knowledge on linear algebra and optimization algorithms
  • Basic knowledge on Unity, C#,
  • Fluent English or French spoken

How to apply

Send your application to David Vanderhaeghe (see mail above)

  • a complete CV,
  • previous internship reports if available,
  • reference name/email address (optional)