Master Internship : Path space analysis for user control

We are looking for a highly motivated Master student for a research internship.

  • Keywords: User Control of Rendering, Path Tracing, Ray Tracing, Computer Graphics
  • Advisor: David Vanderhaeghe
  • Location: Laboratoire IRIT, équipe VORTEX (Groupe AGGA), Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse
  • Duration: from February/March 2017, 5-7 months

The internship will take place in the IRIT laboratory, on the Université Paul Sabatier, campus of Toulouse.
The recruited intern will be a full member of the research team, integrated with other team members, PhD students and permanent researches. He/she will participate to working groups, scientific seminars and other activities of our group.


Physically based rendering, using path-space formulation of global illumination, has become a standard technique for high-quality computer-generated imagery. Nonetheless, being able to control and edit the resulting picture so that it corresponds to the artist vision is still a tedious trial-and-error process.  We introduce portals as a path-space manipulation tool to edit and control renderings and show how our editing tool unifies and extends previous work on lighting editing. Portals allow the artist to precisely control the final aspect of the image without modifying neither scene geometry nor lighting setup. According to the setup of two geometric handles and a simple path selection filter, portals capture specific lightpaths and teleport them through 3D space.

Here is the publication


In this context, we are interested in a better understanding of the ray statistics that are meaningful to decompose an image. The project is to analyze data from ray paths computed by a bi-directional path-tracer and to segment rays in a set of perceptually motivated layers.

We also propose to extend portals to better behave with forward path tracer.

Student profile

  • Master student in Computer Science or Applied Mathematics
  • Strong programming skills (C++), GPU programming (OpenGL)
  • Basic knowledge on linear algebra and optimization algorithms
  • Fluent English or French spoken

How to apply

Send your application to David Vanderhaeghe (see mail above)

  • a complete CV,
  • previous internship reports if available,
  • reference name/email address (optional)